If you are an immigrant business person who has come to our community only in the last few years you have an advantage over many Irish businesses.
You are part of a large submarket that is made up of people, like yourself, who have been attracted to Ireland for better opportunities.
Being your own boss is an exciting opportunity and contributes to the diverse economy of the City just as it can benefit you, the owner. Dublin City Council wants to make the process as seamless as possible and to provide you whatever help and resources are available to make you successful.
Now you can make the most of your competitive advantages by going into business for yourself.
If you are employed in a job that is not equal to your professional qualifications, perhaps now is the time to step out and be in business for yourself in your chosen profession.
There are also new markets in your home country that you can serve from Dublin while you enjoy the high quality of life and economic advantages that have been created here. You may be in a position to employ family members and other people from your community because you and they have a cultural understanding in common.
We view our immigrant population as added talent for our community with unique skills and background that can make our economy stronger from within. Dublin City Council encourages you to be part of it and make your own contribution to our forward thinking, high quality, and inclusive society.